Coming Soon!


Patrol: WWII is a fast playing skirmish system that recreates squad patrols in any theatre of the Second World Ware with as little as ten miniatures per side and a 4'x4' play area. Individual games last from 15 minutes to 1 hour allowing for multiple exciting games in an evening's play.

Patrol takes you beyond line 'em up and shoot 'em down miniature gaming. Opposing squads draw one of the 20 missions offering a large variety of tactical challenges that reflect historical tactics and weapon effects.

Stats and weapons for American, Commonwealth, Soviet, German, Italian, Japanese, and Partisans forces are included. Additional appendix expands the game into the Korean War with new weapons and missions.

Printed Game Rules

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Coming Soon!


Lawrence Mackey brings you Direct Action! This is an exciting and easy-to-learn alternate modern miniature wargaming rule set. It accommodates up to combat brigade-sized games that can be played to completion in just a few hours. The highly interactive turn system ensures there’s never any downtime. Players are constantly engaged, either maneuvering and fighting with elements or reacting strategically. Combat veterans who have played the game agree that it realistically emphasizes the use of modern tactics for achieving victory.

Coming April 2025!

Coming Soon!


Brought to Earth by Damond Crump and PROCYON Publishing. MerkCo is a miniature wargame rules set for smaller scale miniatures (2mm through 15mm). It is set in the Waring Houses Era of the Third Empire of Mankind. While many planets lie outside the boundaries of the empire they are officially off limits because it would risk the delicate balance of power between the emperor and the royal houses of the empire. However, the many houses secretly fund a variety of mercenary companies to fight their proxy wars for control of valuable resources of these exo-empire planets.
Players form a mercenary company formed of tanks, infantry, and support vehicles and play a variety of missions for fame, glory, and most importantly the credits to keep the company in business.
Combat is quick and while randomness is a factor, the player who uses their units in the most effective way will likely prevail. The normal dimensions of land and air have been combined with a system of electronic warfare and drones to offer an exciting glimpse and science fiction warfare.

Coming early 2025!

Coming Soon!

Profession of War

17th Century Pike & Shot Rules.

In the Queue for 2025.

Coming Soon!

The Game of Admirals

Brought to you by author Ivan Travnicek. Test your skills commanding the great naval fleets of the World Wars Era (ca. 1906-1945).

In the Queue for 2025.

Coming Soon!

Bronze Age Rules

In the Queue, date TBA.

The Game Community Needs To Play Your Great Wargames!

At Pacific Sky Games, we believe in empowering creators. By publishing with us, you retain full ownership of your rules while benefiting from a very attractive profit-sharing program. Our collaborative approach ensures that you get the support you need from a company that truly cares about your success. We’re wargamers supporting wargamers, working together to create unique experiences that resonate with the tabletop community. Join us and enjoy the freedom to create, backed by a passionate and supportive team!

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